Suspension struggles

Let me introduce myself. I’m a blue collar worker who has a love for vintage cars. My favourite car that I own is from 1965. It was passed down to me from my father, who had received the car from his own father. The car is a symbol of my family’s history and I’ve spent countless hours restoring the car to its original condition. After all the work I’ve done on the body and interior, it’s looking almost brand new! I have of course dropped a lot of money on it, but it has been totally worth it. I’m proud to say it has become a prized possession of mine.

As expected with old cars, sometimes the wear and tear is more than cosmetic. Lately I’ve started noticing that the car has been bouncing around a lot more than usual. It was actually becoming rather uncomfortable and rough. I knew I had to find a car suspension repair mechanic near me to take care of this matter. One thing I’ve learned from my extensive experience as a co-owner and DIY mechanic is that it’s never a good idea to leave a car problem for too long. Things only get worse and more costly. As a blue collar worker, I’m not exactly rolling in cash; and we all know how expensive the maintenance of vintage cars can be!

I took the car to the local mechanic. Underwood has few mechanics that specialise in diesel and vintage vehicles, so once I finally found one he instantly became my go-to guy. I actually think he works on every vintage car in the area. I’ve heard some people drive hours to see him! To be honest, I can see why. He’s always efficient, honest, and reasonably priced. 

He told me the shocks and the struts were extremely worn down. It’s no wonder I felt like I was driving on a bouncing castle as opposed to a concrete road. Sadly, it was going to be an expensive repair but I knew I had no choice.